Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May UFO Goals!

I have been slowly working on my UFOs, and I want to participate in Fiber of All Sorts and Sew Bittersweet Design's "A Lovely Year of Finishes" challenge. So, my goals for this month are:

Put together the center panel of the Bionicle quilt. It has been sitting in pieces for a couple months.
Getting to that point would put a completed top much closer.

My second main goal is getting a sleeve onto my Madrona Road challenge quilt, so I can actually hang it! A full post on this beauty will be coming soon.

Finish the pink & purple dresses for the girls. One mostly needs hemmed and a zipper. The other has yet to be cut out.

Finish a block or two of the Farmer's Wife sampler. It's been waiting a long time to get started!

PS Don't be alarmed if the pictures look different in the next couple of days. I just got my new camera today, as my old one had broken.  The color was all wrong, and the image was distorted with lines across everything. Daylight meant a whited out picture. The new camera is awesome, but I want daylight to take some proper pics of these projects!

A Lovely Year of Finishes

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